CMS meets its customers’ colour standard through its Color Conformance Platform, Chromachecker

Jaya Krishna

ChromaChecker is a colour conformance platform which enables packaging printers to establish their own production standard. I’m sure a lot of brand owners here would like to do their jobs at different locations throughout the world and still get the same colours every time. For example, with the brand Coke, the red is original and accurate wherever you print it, or your Pepsi Blue is the same blue wherever you print it. ChromaChecker helps you to print to particular standards.


Be it on a flexible or rigid plastic surface or on a bottle, be it on paper, be it on any substrate, how do you achieve the same colour on different substrates? ChromaChecker very accurately tells you what your CMYK combination should be when you print on different substrates.


Brand owners are very particular about getting reports on whatever jobs they have done. ChromaChecker will also help you generate a lot of job reports.


David Hunter

Colour is an intrinsic part of product identity. Think of Coca-Cola Red, IBM Blue, UPS Brown, a and so on. Much of the printing industry is still a graphic arts activity, which leads to inconsistent and inaccurate colour results. Print manufacturing means printing by the numbers to meet your expectations, which produces more accurate and consistent results.


ChromaChecker allows a company to quantify expectations for a colour match with a number which allows an easy way to communicate with everyone. It provides multiple samples, either print or display, which show the colour difference and you decide what level or degree of colour match is acceptable to meet your organisation’s expectations.


Using this number, you can determine if your printer or your print supplier’s print device is less than or equal to yours. If less, your expectations will be met. If your supplier’s number is greater than yours, then your expectations will not be met. The greatest challenge in the print industry is ensuring brand colours are consistent across all packaging options.


ChromaChecker is your tool for accelerating colour productivity and improving colour accuracy. It is a complete ecosystem for your colour needs. ChromaChecker ecosystem includes easy software for operators, while managers and experts have access to the colour cloud, which is a central repository for all components regarding colour. All users have access to e-classes to quickly learn how to apply ChromaChecker to their environment and colour accessories.



ChromaChecker checks and corrects all things colour – print, lighting instruments, substrates, plates and more. It is always introducing new capabilities, like the ability to measure colour and texture simultaneously. Chroma Checker is headquartered in the US with our developers in the EU and sales and colour experts around the world. Some big companies like Apple, Google and Ford use Chroma Checker.


It will also give you a report, and it will tell you the difference between one supplier and the next; who’s the best in terms of the print output? ChromatChecker is very effective for job reporting. And you can benchmark your printing press, beat offset machine and beat flexo machine. It’s invaluable.


Kevin Pinto

We used to print all our jobs according to Fogra 39, but we had a project where we had to match our samples and the given data to G7, and Age Graphics came into the picture. They introduced Chroma- Checker to us. We used it for this particular job and were able to get the colours right, and more importantly all the data that the client wanted. The client was very specific, saying they wanted a certain type of data in a certain way. We had to send it to them so they could approve the prints before we could go ahead. So, I would say ChromaChecker is very useful for the printing industry. We have used it and we were very successful.