Huhtamaki MSCI score upgraded to ‘A’

Huhtamaki is rated ‘A’ (on a scale of AAA-CCC) on the MSCI ESG Ratings assessment. The rating of ‘A’ puts Huhtamaki in the top 46% of companies in the packaging sector. The company stated, “Our rating improvement is driven by our top-of-industry governance practices and our continuous work to improve our risk management, by decreasing the water intensity of our operations.”


Thomasine Kamerling, EVP Sustainability and Communications said, “We are proud of the improvement in our MSCI score upgrade, as it reflects the work we have done to embed sustainability in our operations and along our value chain globally. We have made great progress in our management practices regarding e.g., water intensity. At the same time, we know our journey is far from over. We know that we all are facing significant challenges to change the course towards a world compliant with the Paris agreement and we must hold ourselves accountable to this. Huhtamaki is committed to play its own role in driving this change and building momentum.”


Looking to the year ahead, the company is further elevating its ambition in key areas, such as:

  • Understanding our impact on biodiversity in the areas it operate
  • Focusing on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) to create work environments
  • Futureproofing sites by setting standards for what a Sustainable Factory looks like, from both environmental and social perspectives, and begin operationalising it


The company stated that it recognises the need for systems thinking in combatting global issues.