Bühler and Premier Tech unveil innovative automatic bagging station

CHRONOS OMP-2090 B, a fully automatic bagging station by Bühler and Premier Tech.


Swiss technology giant Bühler, in collaboration with Canadian packaging equipment leader Premier Tech, has unveiled the CHRONOS OMP-2090 B, a fully automatic bagging station. Engineered to handle a diverse array of powdery and non-free-flowing products, this cutting-edge system promises enhanced productivity and safety features.


“The performance and reliability of the fully automatic bagging station CHRONOS OMP-2090 B lifts open mouth bag packaging to the next level,” remarks Marco Chialina, Head of Business Unit Digital Sense at Bühler. “Operational safety and precision increase overall mill efficiency, maximize raw material yield, and ensure safe distribution of the valuable products of our customers and partners.”


The CHRONOS OMP-2090 B boasts innovative bag opening mechanisms and remarkable bagging accuracy, ensuring ±50 g at 2σ (25 kg). With a capacity of up to 900 bags per hour (25 kg bags), its robust design and comprehensive safety features underline Bühler’s and Premier Tech’s commitment to high food and human safety standards.


Premier Tech Systems and Automation’s Partner Relations Director, Alexis Michaud, emphasizes their dedication to quality and innovation: “At Premier Tech, we leverage our decades of expertise to deliver high-performing, food-safe, and cost-effective automated packaging solutions.”


The CHRONOS OMP-2090 B is set to be available worldwide, except in the US, Canada, and the European Union member states.


The collaboration between Bühler and Premier Tech, which commenced in August 2019 and transitioned into a joint venture in July 2020, aims to provide cost-effective packaging solutions. Operating in Wuxi, China, the venture focuses on serving global food and feed markets, merging Bühler’s manufacturing prowess and supply chain expertise with Premier Tech’s packaging proficiency and technological leadership. Together, they offer a comprehensive packaging and palletizing portfolio to meet diverse customer needs.