World Packaging Organisation announces new Executive Team

Luciana Pellegrino, President of the World Packaging Organisation.


In January 2024, Luciana Pellegrino, President of the World Packaging Organisation (WPO), unveiled the names of the Vice Presidents comprising the new Executive Team. This team will oversee WPO’s portfolios during Pellegrino’s term from 2024 to 2027, collaborating closely with WPO Members, partner organizations, and the global market.


“I am thrilled to announce such a special team of great packaging professionals, each one expert in a different area, and full of energy and inspiration to take WPO’s portfolios beyond. Together we will focus on raising the voice for packaging on a global level,” expressed Luciana Pellegrino.


Pellegrino outlined the specific roles of the Vice Presidents within WPO’s portfolios. Soha Atallah, appointed Vice President for Marketing, will spearhead efforts to enhance WPO’s presence at global shows and conferences while exploring packaging’s potential as a marketing tool.


Nerida Kelton, Vice President of Sustainability and Saves Food, will continue to build on her outstanding work, expanding WPO’s initiatives in sustainability and sharing knowledge through international conferences.


Kofi Essuman, newly appointed Vice President for Education, will lead educational programs and training activities to support WPO’s member countries, aiming to expand courses and enhance training initiatives.


Pellegrino introduced Magnus Sidling as the Vice President for Governance, emphasizing the importance of establishing best practices, governance standards, and transparent communication with members and the market to facilitate WPO’s growth and partnership expansion.


Pellegrino’s management goal as President is to invite new member countries and strengthen WPO’s ties with strategic market players and packaging companies, aiming to harmonize a global vision for the packaging sector and its markets.


Assisting Pellegrino in her endeavors are Johannes Bergmair and Nathália Antoniazzi as General Secretary and Secretariat, respectively, along with Liliam Benzi as the Press & Communication Liaison Officer. Global Ambassadors will be announced in due course.